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Our organization is involved in numerous projects

A discussion session on compensation for those affected inside Nineveh Governorate
November 8-9, 2022

As part of the Women for Justice project implemented by the Nineveh Women’s Organization for Women’s Affairs with the support of the Dutch organization Impunity Watch, a two-day discussion session was held on 9-8/11/2022 about the problems and challenges that women in Nineveh face in the compensation file.

The women of the victims’ families recounted their stories and their pains regarding their continuous visits to the departments in order to complete the compensation transactions. The common thread between their stories was the great suffering of the victims’ families regarding the compensation procedures for the martyrs, the missing and the injured, in addition to their inability to continue this suffering after several years. Women relatives of the victims, especially members of the security and military institutions, face very complicated procedures, especially those who were forced to stay in Mosul. To loss, enforced disappearance, or martyrdom because of their affiliation to work in the security services.

A discussion session with volunteer teams in Nineveh

Within the program to protect human rights defenders implemented by the Iraqi Al-Amal Association with direct funding from the European Union, the Nineveh Women’s Organization, in cooperation with the National Center for Voluntary Work and the Al-Hadba Youth and Sports Forum, held a session on November 2, 2022 with a group of volunteer teams working in Nineveh Governorate.

During the session, the most prominent challenges and problems facing the volunteer teams in the governorate were discussed, as they are not registered in the NGO Department, in addition to the absence of a law on the basis of volunteer work so that it is not volunteer work. Recognized in all institutions in the public and private sectors, and the possibility of activating the work of the National Center for Voluntary Work in a better way to establish activities and initiatives between the volunteer teams and the center.

The importance of volunteer work in enhancing the sense of belonging to society and the group and feeling the importance of their participation and assistance within the limits of the available and available capabilities of the individual, with an emphasis on the good of individuals’ lives and their social and educational lives. Health progress and improvement of the living environment that embraces individuals

Women's Dialogue for Peace

The Ninewaite Women’s Team, in partnership with the Peace and Freedom Organization and with the support of Employment International Organization, held the final conference of the Women’s Dialogue Project for Peace on October 23, 2021, which the team worked on implementing during the previous months.
The project targeted approximately 60 women of different categories and specializations in three districts within Nineveh Governorate (Sinjar, Tal Afar, Hamdaniya).
The project aims to enhance women’s participation in transitional justice tracks, where women were trained on the concept of transitional justice and how to have a role in achieving justice in post-conflict periods, in addition to the importance of their role in decision-making and pressure on governments to legislate laws that do justice to women and make the most important role within the society .
During the conference, the results of the sessions conducted by the participating women were presented, which included their demands to achieve post-conflict transitional justice, including the necessity of compensating all those affected by terrorist operations, especially women, in addition to prosecuting the perpetrators of kidnappings and captivity of women, and that the trial be public to be an example to others.
The conference was attended by representatives of the local government, civil society organizations and activists concerned with victims’ rights.

Memory of the Yazidi Genocide

Ninwayat in Sinjar to commemorate the Yazidi genocide.

As part of the Transformative Justice Project implemented by the Peace and Freedom Organization in partnership with the PAX Organization, the Ninawayat Volunteer Team voted for a solidarity stand in Sinjar District to commemorate the eighth anniversary of the Yazidi Genocide.
On Tuesday, 8/22, the terrorist ISIS, the women, the women, the women, Sinjar condemned the women, the women.
The previous visit to claim and obtain the rights of survivors affected by terrorism and offers until they obtain a fair treatment for them.
Customs The conclusion of our visit inside the Sinjar office, we were approached by Mr. Kamal Shero, director of Sinjar Municipality, who accompanied us on a tour of Sinjar neighborhoods and we visited the religious and heritage sites.
Then from the beginning to the school I built the house of peaceful coexistence, which was inaugurated by Professor Mirza Danayi, winner of the 2019 Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity
Where we were received in a group made up of Nineveh components under one tent to carry out the alignment of peace and peace building and the conclusion was fully prepared for the mercy of welcome.

Women's Dialogue for Peace

As part of the Women for Justice project implemented by the Nineveh Women’s Organization for Women’s Affairs, with the support of the Dutch organization, impunit Watch

The third session was implemented to provide legal support to women affected by terrorism, where the legal advisor in the organization works to provide legal advice to women, explaining the mechanisms of reparation and obtaining fair compensation, starting with the method of obtaining the lost papers necessary to file a compensation claim, all the way to closing the investigative papers in the competent investigation court within The geographical area, and then archiving the information in the Martyrs Foundation and going to retirement to get the salary

Legal Support session

“Women for Justice” project, implemented by Ninava women organization with the support of “Impunity watch “, successfully provided legal support to women affected by terrorism, especially women with missing or abducted family members. During the fourth session held on 4/4/2023, the legal consultant clarified the mechanisms for redress and obtaining fair compensation, starting from obtaining the necessary documents to file a compensation claim to closing the investigative files in the specialized court, archiving the information in the Martyrs Foundation, and retiring to receive the salary. This project comes as part of the organization’s efforts to promote women’s rights and support them in areas affected by conflicts and wars.


– We can make change through dialogue and 


discussion!Within the project “Promoting Stability, Well-Being, Dignity, and Safety of Populations Affected by Conflict and Survivors of GBV,” the #TAD in partnership with the (Niniveh Women’s Organization for Women’s Affairs -Youth Bridge Development Organization – Shingal Organization For Social Development ) by the  support of  Norwegian People’s Aid with the  generous funding from the  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands , held an ” validation session in Qayrawan  sub district” with the participation of representatives from the local community, which included The session discussed the outcomes of the (4) focus groups Discussions  and (32) Key Informant   interviews on the general challenges facing the Qayrawan   community, followed by a dialogue session to discuss the outcomes of the validation session with local decision makers in order to shed light on the problems and challenges facing the local community and find appropriate solutions.


We are pleased to share the news that the Women of Nineveh Organization for Women’s Affairs participated in a three-day advanced capacity-building training program as part of the “Strengthening Women’s Rights Movements on the Women, Peace, and Security agenda in three fragile contexts” project. This project is being implemented by the Better World Organization with support from BMZ and in partnership with CARE Iraq. The training  program focused on conflict resolution and peacebuilding, with a particular emphasis on the 1325 agenda and national plan. It was conducted for 10 women’s rights organizations in Mosul, including the Women of Nineveh Organization for Women’s Affairs.

This initiative is an important step towards empowering women in Iraq and promoting gender equality in the country. The Women of Nineveh Organization for Women’s Affairs played an active role in the training, which aimed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge needed to advocate for women’s rights and promote peace and security in their communities.

We would like to thank the Better World Organization, BMZ, and CARE Iraq for their support of this project, and we commend the Women of Nineveh Organization for Women’s Affairs for their participation in this important initiative. We look forward to seeing the positive impact this training program will have on the lives of women in Iraq.

Legal Support sessionMemory of the victims of enforced disappearance

Tuesday, 15 August, will witness a powerful moment of solidarity when various Iraqi human rights organizations unite in a campaign to commemorate the victims of enforced disappearance in the country.

This symbolic event aims to raise awareness about the seriousness of the enforced disappearance crisis, its impact on families and communities, and the need to hold perpetrators accountable and achieve justice. By uniting their efforts, activists in Iraq seek to intensify their voices and demand the strengthening of human rights protection to put an end to this problem and to provide reassurance to bereaved families.

Enforced disappearance is a major and ongoing problem in Iraq, which has negatively affected the country’s social fabric. Protected by a culture of fear and lack of accountability mechanisms, perpetrators often operate with impunity. As a result, families are left without answers and denied their right to know the fate and whereabouts of their missing relatives.

The goals of the campaign are two main points: to raise awareness and to demand accountability and justice for those responsible for enforced disappearances and the missing persons crisis in Iraq.

By drawing the attention of the people and the media, the campaign aims to bring support and sympathy to the affected families, putting the issue of enforced disappearance on the national and international agenda. The campaign stands united in demanding accountability for those responsible for enforced disappearances in Iraq. It calls on the Iraqi government to conduct thorough and transparent investigations into each case, ensuring that perpetrators, regardless of their affiliation, are brought to justice.

The initiative also serves as a rallying point for Iraqi human rights organizations and activists, uniting them under a common cause. Through this joint effort, these organizations can use their strength and resources to strengthen their advocacy for missing persons and their families.

Legal Support session


‏The “Nineveh Women Organization” is implementing the “Women for Justice” project with the support of “Impunity Watch Organization”. The organization was able to organize the fifth session of this project on 1/6/2023, in collaboration with “The Road to Success” organization, where necessary legal support was provided to women affected by terrorism, especially women who survived terrorism and women with missing and abducted family members. The session included a detailed explanation of the mechanisms for reparations and obtaining fair compensation, starting from obtaining the necessary lost documents to file a compensation claim, to closing the investigative files in the competent court within the geographical area, and finally archiving the information in the Martyrs Foundation and retiring to receive the salary. This project comes as part of the organization’s efforts to promote women’s rights and support them in areas affected by conflicts and wars

“Promoting stability, well-being, dignity, and safety of populations affected by conflict and survivors of gender-based violence

Under the slogan “Threads of Peace”
Within the project “Promoting stability, well-being, dignity, and safety of populations affected by conflict and survivors of gender-based violence,” the Nineveh Women’s Organization held sewing training for a group of women from the Kairouan district, in partnership with the Tahrir Association for Development, with support from Norwegian People’s Aid, and with funding from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The training included teaching the participants a number of skills, including design, embroidery, and weaving. At the end, sewing machines were distributed to the participating women, and an awareness session was held on preventing violent extremism.

Nineveh Women's Organization in the National Dialogue Forum on the legal framework for missing persons

Mrs. Maysam Abdullah, Director of the Nineveh Women’s Organization, participated in the National Dialogue Forum on the legal framework for missing persons and national and international procedures, which was organized by Ambunity Watch in cooperation with the Parliamentary Development Institute today, Wednesday, 8/23/2023, at Al-Shabibi Hall inside the Iraqi Parliament.
In the presence of the Chairman of the Human Rights Committee, Representative Arshad Al-Salhi, and the Chairman of the Martyrs, Victims and Political Prisoners Committee, Representative Hassan Salem, with the participation of a number of ladies and gentlemen MPs, Mr. Safwan Bashir, Secretary General of the House of Representatives, and representatives of state institutions and civil society organizations.
At the beginning of the opening of the forum, which was held in Al-Shabibi Hall in the Council building, Mr. Saad Fayyad, Director General of the Parliamentary Development Institute, praised all participants in the National Forum for Awareness of the Legal Framework for Missing Persons and National and International Mechanisms for the distinguished efforts made by the members of the organization in preparing all means, including providing international experts and presenting the report. Regarding the Committee on Enforced Disappearances regarding its visit to Iraq for the period from 12 to 25 November 2022.
Mr. Fayyad added that the aim of organizing the forum includes shedding light on the national and international mechanisms in dealing with the file of missing and forcibly disappeared persons in Iraq, from the period of the previous dictatorial regime, the period of the terrorist occupation of ISIS in 2014, and other allegations that have affected some parties, noting that the effective constitution has prohibited detention or detention. Imprisonment or detention in places other than designated in accordance with Article 19/Second, indicating that to implement the principles of the Constitution in protecting human rights, the House of Representatives ratified the law of Iraq’s accession to the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance No. 17 of 2009.
The Director General of the Institute explained that the presence of the legislative, judicial, executive and international bodies in this forum is very important in explaining the legislative, judicial and executive measures taken by the state in this regard, indicating that it is for Iraq to keep pace with the international legal system and to respect its international obligations in accordance with the international agreements and treaties to which it has joined and to strengthen the democratic system. As for human rights, harmonizing national legislation with the International Convention for the Protection of Persons from Enforced Disappearance will enhance societal stability and raise Iraq’s international standing before the international community.
Mr. Fayyad stressed that the Parliamentary Development Institute will have a pivotal role in supporting the relevant committees, supporting departments, and all relevant council formations by holding dialogue forums, listening sessions, workshops, training courses, and cooperating with international organizations and civil society organizations in providing their expertise in this context, expressing his wishes for success. The dialogue forum, which will increase the experiences of the participants through useful dialogues, leading to developing a common vision to address the challenges facing Iraq in this regard.
During the forum, the report of the Committee on Enforced Disappearances from Iraq and its main recommendations was presented (remotely) by Ms. Carmen Rosa Fell, Chairman of the Committee, and Ms. Barbara Lochbihler,        Vice-Chairman, and included many aspects related to     this topic.Mrs .  



At the invitation of the International Committee on Missing Persons, the Nineveh Women’s Organization participated in the workshop held in Erbil from 20 to 21 October.
This event was designed with the aim of enabling participants, representing family associations and other civil society organisations, to participate effectively in the processes of determining the fate of missing persons.

Thirteen organizations participated in this workshop, and it focused on providing systematic and comprehensive educational and development tools.

The purpose of this concentration is to enable participants to improve their skills in writing effective proposals and in fundraising.

This comes in the context of strengthening joint efforts to search for missing persons and provide the necessary support to their families.

Our organization’s participation in this event constitutes an important opportunity to raise awareness of the problem of missing persons and strengthen the capabilities necessary to deal with this issue effectively.


The Nineveh Women's Organization for Women's Affairs held the final conference of the Women for Justice project.

The Nineveh Women’s Organization for Women’s Affairs held the final conference for the Women for Justice project funded by the Dutch Empowerment Watch organization on 12/26/2023. 

During the conference, the political paper was launched 

(Women and reparations in Nineveh Governorate / Restoring attention to justice for victims) with the participation of a number of representatives of governmental, security and legislative agencies, tribal sheikhs, a number of representatives of civil society organizations, activists and media professionals.

Which includes re-evaluating reparations programs for victims in Nineveh and special treatments and responses from the government and local and international civil society organizations, strengthening psychological and legal support programs, especially for women who have been subjected to widespread violations, or deprived of their rights, and addressing the general framework for reparations in the legislative system. And Iraqi procedural.

Within the project to improve access to the services of the Social Protection Department for Women in Mosul

As part of the project to improve access to services provided by the Department of Social Protection for Women in Mosul, implemented by Women of Nineveh for Women’s Affairs organisation (NWO) with the support and funding of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID ICRI-Ta’afi), field visits were conducted for two days in the Al-Intisar neighborhood to raise awareness among women about the services offered by the Women’s Protection Department in Mosul and how to access them. The visits also aimed to register women who face obstacles in receiving social assistance benefits.


Following the field visits, two awareness sessions were conducted for women in the Al-Intisar neighborhood, with the presence of a representative from the Women’s Protection Department for Women in Nineveh. During these sessions, women were educated on how to register for social assistance benefits, the eligible categories, and all questions and inquiries they had were answered.


This activities aims to empower women in Mosul and provide them with the necessary support to access social protection services. These field visits and awareness sessions are part of ongoing efforts to enhance awareness and educate women about their rights and how to benefit from available services. The organization “Women of Nineveh for Women’s Affairs” and its team are working diligently to provide support and assistance to women in Mosul, with the goal of promotingdignity and creating a better future for them.

International Women's Day

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, the Nineveh Women’s Organization for Women’s Affairs, in cooperation with the College of Education for Girls and the Voices of Justice Network, held a scientific symposium entitled (Change… During which they talked about the role of women and its importance in society and the importance of the participation of women victims in decision-making.

This event is part of the transformative justice project implemented by the Organization for Peace and Freedom in Nineveh.

The opening ceremony of the Department of Social Protection for Women after its rehabilitation and equipping it with all supplies and furniture

Within the project to improve women’s access to the services of the Women’s Social Protection Department in Mosul, which is implemented by the Nineveh Women’s Organization with the support of the United States Agency for International Development and after the implementation of a number of awareness sessions for women on how to register and follow up the progress of procedures in the areas of (Al-Intisar, Al-Zahra, Al-Shuhada, Al-Obour)
The opening ceremony of the department was held after its rehabilitation and equipping it with all office supplies and furniture to improve the workflow and provide the best services to citizens.

Nineveh Women's Organization for Women's Affairs holds a discussion session on facilitating compensation procedures for victims' families with the Compensation Department in Nineveh

‏During the session, the challenges and problems facing the cadres in the Compensation Department, which hinder the smooth conduct of the procedures, were discussed, in addition to discussing a number of basic axes, most notably: improving communication between the Department and the victims’ families, enhancing transparency in procedures, providing the necessary support for cadres to provide better services, and putting forward constructive ideas and suggestions that would contribute to speeding up and enhancing compensation procedures. This session aims to improve the situation and alleviate the suffering of the families of victims who suffer from great complications in obtaining compensation. Due to them.

The Nineveh Women's Organization holds its second session for the project to end the suffering of the families of victims of missing persons in Nineveh

Within the project of the Charter for Justice and Redress for Victims’ Families, which is implemented by a group of organizations in a number of Iraqi governorates, the Nineveh Women’s Organization held a focused session on Saturday, 7/13/2024, with a number of victims’ families to discuss the challenges and problems they face. This session comes as part of the Justice and Redress Charter Project, which aims to shed light on the issues of victims and their families and work to find appropriate solutions for them. The session witnessed an open dialogue and constructive discussions, where the main challenges facing the families of the victims were reviewed, in addition to providing recommendations to the government and civil society organizations to support them and provide them with justice.

(Second Advocacy Campaign) within the Action Map Project to End the Suffering of the Families of Victims of Missing and Forcibly Disappeared Persons,

A delegation from the Nineveh Women’s Organization visited Judge Raed Al-Muslih, President of the Nineveh Court of Appeal. During the meeting, the delegation presented to the judge the policy paper prepared by the organization on women and reparations in Nineveh Governorate, “Restoring Attention to Victims’ Rights”, which represents the summary of sessions and interviews conducted with women victims’ families.

This paper highlights the challenges and problems facing women in the compensation file, including the complexity of procedures and the lack of consideration for the privacy of cases.

The delegation also discussed with the judge a number of proposed solutions to facilitate the compensation procedures, most notably giving priority to women in investigation cases, and establishing a detailed database in which compensation transactions are sorted based on gender, in addition to providing legal guidance services to victims.

These proposals are part of the efforts of the Nineveh Women’s Organization to promote women’s rights and ensure that they receive the justice they deserve.

In conclusion, the Nineveh Women’s Organization extends its sincere thanks and appreciation to Judge Raed Al-Muslih for the warm reception and direct support to achieve justice and redress for victims’ families.

On the occasion of the International Day of Victims of Enforced Disappearances


A solidarity stand with the families of victims of enforced disappearance and missing persons in Nineveh Governorate – Martyrs’ Park

On 2024/8/30, a solidarity stand included hundreds of victims’ families supported by a number of civil society organizations, activists, human rights defenders, and representatives of the press and media, coinciding with the International Day of Remembrance for Victims of Enforced Disappearance

The stand included a statement issued by the families of the victims demanding the disclosure of the fate of their relatives, redress and compensation for their harm, holding the perpetrators accountable, and enacting a law criminalizing enforced disappearance

The stand comes within the activities of the project “Action Map to End the Suffering of the Families of Victims of the Missing and Forcibly Disappeared in Iraq”, implemented by a number of civil society organizations active in the issue, including the Tadarak Organization for Human Rights and the Promotion of Democracy

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